
Our Ethos


The word “ethos” means the characteristic spirit or tone of a community (Chambers).

The characteristic spirit of St. Colman’s National School is influenced by the tradition of care and concern and the personal example of the Staff in creating an environment where Christian, catholic values are inculcated and fostered.

The children are encouraged to make these values a reality in their own lives by:

  • Showing care and concern for the less fortunate at home and in the third world.
  • Respecting each and every person, all living creatures and the environment.
  • Developing a good healthy self-image.
  • Attaining the highest potential of which they are capable.

Spiritual Formation

The children are prepared for the sacraments and take part in liturgical services.

Special care is taken of underprivileged, disadvantaged children and children with learning difficulties. The Special Education Team contacts parents and works with them, arranging assessment if necessary in our school.

Our Mission

St. Colman’s National school is an amalgamation of Stradbally B.N.S and Scoil Aonghusa.  Its aim, in partnership with parents, is to facilitate the Education of its students for Christian living, by developing each one morally, socially, culturally, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically, where the student will achieve an appropriate level of literacy and numeracy.

We seek to promote a caring and committed school community where learning is nurtured, where gifts are recognised and the dignity of each person is valued.

St. Colmans’s N.S. seeks to provide

  • A secure, happy and purposeful environment that allows children to enjoy quality learning experiences designed to engage and challenge them
  • A welcoming environment for all – respectful of diversity of race, culture, religion, gender and ability
  • A supportive environment for all children with special needs through learning support and resource teaching.

We value our relationship with parents and the community and we are committed to working in partnership with all involved in the education process so as to ensure that the best interests of each child is provided for.

We are committed to nurturing the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the sacraments and through the ethos of the school. The ethos will be demonstrated through respect shown for each person in the school – pupils, members of the staff, parents and visitors.

Our school motto is :

mol an oige